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                ABOUT COMPANY

                ABOUT COMPANY

                XIAMEN SURPLUS ENTERPRISES CO.,LTD. established in October, 1999, our company covers an area of 27,000 square meters in Xiamen Torch High-tech (Xiang’an) Industrial Zone and built its own industrial park. With registered capital 100 million RMB and total assets 250 million RMB.In September 2017, we invested 80 million RMB to set up a branch factory in XIANYANG -- XIANYANG YINGCAI ENTERPRISES CO.,LTD.Our company consists of the hardware stamping, tooling department, the company's production and business scope is mainly mold manufacturing, metal products, mold assembly, TV assembly and painting (xianyang factory), etc. The main products are LCD module back-cover, front frame , HINGE, STAND, TV BASE, photoelectric lamp shade, mobile phone accessories and so on. Adhering to the principles of integrity management and constant exploration, the company sticks to market-oriented, quality-based and efficiency-focused values to satisfy the needs of the customers. Obtaining self-run import and export rights, the company also engages in foreign trade business of electronic components.  

                The company take the good faith as the management idea, take the market as the guidance, take the quality as the fundamental, take the benefit as the center, unceasingly develops enterprising, satisfies the customer the need has been the company's basic idea. 

                The company has its own import and export rights, and also engaged in the import and export business of electronic components.